Noticias de la Industria
Do you have a product safety label on your disposable underwear? 2023-02-10

In order to ensure that textiles and clothing are harmless to human health, China's compulsory national standard GB 18401-2010 "National Basic Safety Technical Specification for Textile Products" puts forward basic safety technical requirements for textiles and clothing, and divides the technical requirements into three categories, namely A,B and C, according to the strictness of the indicators, class A is the most stringent, class B is the second. Class C has the lowest requirements.

GB18401 stipulates that there are four main test items: formaldehyde, PH value, color fastness, decomposable aromatic amine. According to the use of different grades of textiles, the testing standards are divided into three levels:

Class A - Textile products for infants and young children, mainly suitable for infants and young children under 36 months of age

Class B - products that come in direct contact with the skin

Class C - products not in direct contact with the skin

Disposable underwear is a product that directly touches the skin, so the safety category should be at least B.

Different from the group implementation standard from the physical indicators, the safety category is mainly for the product invisible some chemical indicators to do the test.

So this information is also important to identify a good pair of safe underwear. For more information about non woven underwear, please follow us.

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