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Did you know that the way disposable underwear is sterilized is also important? 2023-02-14

Disposable underwear is because of wash free day throw and solve the problem of inconvenient underwear washing, so it has gained more and more users, and underwear directly with our skin and private parts contact, whether it is clean enough is the key.

The convenience of disposable underwear lies in the fact that it can be worn immediately without washing, so whether it has been effectively sterilized is very important.

At present, disposable underwear is mainly sterilized by EO ethylene oxide, the same as medical instruments. Ethylene oxide gas can effectively kill bacteria, spores, viruses, fungi and so on.

So after ethylene oxide sterilization of non woven underwear in the total number of bacteria to achieve clean health.

In addition to the sterilization indicator, the test report of the product can be directly fed back.

For more information about disposable non woven underwear products, please pay attention to us.

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